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Friday, 16 August 2013

How to easily control hair fall?

We all want to look beautiful and smart all the time and our hair do is an important thing for achieving the same. However, hair fall has become an unbridled problem faced by many people because of varied reasons like stress, aging, heredity, illness, lack of proper nutrition, etc. But there are some very simple and natural ways to easily control hair fall and look beautiful. Here they are:

·         Eat a healthy diet
One must eat a healthy diet which is rich in proteins and other hair building nutrients. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water everyday also helps in controlling hair fall.

·         Practice meditation
Meditation helps reduce stress and anxiety levels in the body. If you are not emotionally happy, the body is bound to have physical deterioration in the form of hair loss or catching any other ailment.

·         Pamper your hair
Regularly washing your hair is one of the basic things one must do. However, one can pamper our hair whenever we get time by a hot oil massage or some good natural hair pack or hair steaming, etc.

·         Use natural products on scalp
It is advisable to use natural products like henna, amla, etc. that helps in controlling hair fall rather than chemical based products.

·         Avoid exposure to heat, pollution and other damaging substances
Though it is not possible to stay in-door all the time, but to control hair fall, one can take a few precautions. We can wash hair with lukewarm or cold water in place of hot water. Similarly, we can cover our hair in places where there is excessive pollution or dust.

Hope you have a good hair day everyday by following these simple tips.

Enjoy Post :)

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